Domonetio is a company stablished in Barcelona with a young, dynamic team formed by people from different countries, with a global vision of the world, specializing in smart homes, smart cities, and smart buildings. We inspire ideas for professionals to make their businesses grow in the area of domotics and automation, offering them training, products, and consulting services on KNX technology. We offer end users a solution to their needs, contributing to their quality of life. We just make it possible. Domonetio KNX Training Center is certified by KNX International to provide the following courses: KNX Basic (KNX Partner), KNX Advanced, and KNX Tutor.
For more information visit:
KNXtoday is a trade magazine for KNX home and building control comprising an online magazine and email newsletter. KNXtoday offers news, articles, case studies, videos and resources, an events calendar and much more. Register for a free subscription at.
For more information visit:
Sistemi Integrati
Sistemi Integrati are a magazine (printed and digital), a website and a tailor made-newsletter aimed at installers, system integrators, design studios, interior design and trade operators. It addresses domestic, residential and professional installation and appeals to a wide range of markets including Audio Video and Home Automation. The goal of Sistemi Integrati is to train and educate professionals, provide opportunities for new business, and to better interpret the integration of systems, which are present in today’s installations. Digital Edition of Sistemi Integrati are available for free at and App Store (App SI Magazine for iPad).
For more information visit:
Smart Intégrations Mag
Smart Intégrations Mag is a synthetic and immediate information on all business areas, all technologies, all new products, all business practices that make the environment of both connected residential and tertiary worlds.
Smart Intégrations Mag is also a work reference, with presentations of achievements and installations among real customers, and case studies with solutions deployed, helpful advices to understand underestimated fields and develop new “business”.
From Audio/Video reception and distribution, at home or on mobile, to energy savings, through Smart Building / Smart Home technologies or Hospitality activities or Security at home, at work, in residential buildings, or assistance for seniors (Silver economy),
Smart Intégrations Mag is also the ideal media between all members of this same ecosystem (integrators, videosecurity professionals, architects, electricians, retail, etc.)
For more information visit: